Our Process
It is important for people to review their current plan and consider new strategies to maximize their wealth. Whether you are building your financial plan from the ground up or are looking for a second opinion on your current portfolio, we recommend coming in for a complimentary financial review. As your needs and the industry itself changes, we want to ensure that you are on the right track to pursue your financial goals.
Discovery Meeting
In our Initial meeting we take the time to get to know you, understand your financial goals and assess your entire financial picture.
Analysis & Recommendations
We present our analysis of your current financial plan along with our recommendations for what can be improved and strengthened. In this meeting we establish the foundation of our working relationship and carry out the necessary paperwork.
Post Commitment Updates
Changing a financial plan doesn’t happen overnight – we strive to keep our new clients up to date on the transition of their assets and where they’re at in their personal timeline while we handle the behind-the-scenes process.
Semi-annually, we will meet to ensure your financial goals have not changed and make any necessary adjustments to your portfolio. If a client has questions or concerns at any time, we are available by appointment to help.